Year 3

Welcome to Year 3

The class teacher is Miss Synan.  We work to ensure all parents and children feel welcomed. We are looking forward to teaching Year 3 this year, as they make their way into KS2 and continue to build upon all of their amazing knowledge from KS1.

We will always work hard, as we Love, Live and Learn in the light of Christ. The Catholic ethos underpins the nurturing environment we have created in our classroom and school and we hope you see this too as you enter our learning environment.

In Year 3, pupils will be following the White Rose Maths scheme, as they build on their knowledge from Year 2 and apply this to reasoning, fluency and problem-solving questions.

In English we will look at expanding our skills by creating bigger pieces of writing, involving a variety of punctuation and grammar. Each topic will be linked to a suited text, so pupils always have something to be inspired by.

Times Tables

We really focus on our Times Tables in Year 3 and we practise this through TT Rock stars, which is encouraged to be accessed at home.


Each week, pupils are sent home with spellings, pulled from statutory spelling lists. This is their homework, which is to be completed and handed in each Friday.




