Our Christian Values
Reflecting on our mission statement, we felt it was important to help teach the children about how they can put their faith into practise. In doing so, we have carefully chosen some important Christian Values that we will be exploring with the children. Each term, we will pick a new value to explore and within this we will make a S.T.E.P with Jesus to follow him.
Seek to find the meaning of the value to understand what it is about.
Tell others what this value means to spread this further.
Explain how we can live this value out in our daily lives.
Put this into practise, so we can show this value in our thoughts and actions.
Please keep checking back on our newsletters and online to see which value we are focusing on and discuss this with your children.
Our school values
In school, we are always trying to think about how to follow in Jesus’s footsteps and become better people, serving God. Each term, we are choosing a Value to live out. Previously, we all made a footprint and placed these on a path along the wall of our school hall, to remind us that we can each play our part in following Jesus. Take a look at how lovely it looked! It made the children oooh and ahhhh when they walked into the hall!
These values are now incorporated into our wonderful new displays around school.
Stepping in the right direction
Each term we will have a new Value to follow. We are learning S.T.E.P-by-step. Take a look to see what this means.
CST CAFOD Workshops
We had a lovely visitor from CAFOD come in to talk to the children about Catholic Social Teaching.
They shared the values that Christians follow in their lives to be good people.
The KS2 children had to work together to explore what each value meant and matched up scenarios to these.
KS1 pupils looked at some fun characters and keys to support their understanding of these values.
Everyone is welcome!
Jesus taught us to love our neighbour as ourselves. When he spoke about a neighbour, he meant every single other person. Therefore, everyone is welcome at our school, and we celebrate our differences. The Catholic Social Teaching principle of Human Dignity teaches us that we are all special because we are all made in the image and likeness of God; we are his children.
In our school, we promote British Values, and we uphold the nine protected characteristics. We believe that it is important that all children feel welcome in our school and know they can openly share their faith and thoughts with us. We are all enriched from learning about other cultures and religions as it opens our eyes to the wider world. In our R.E. curriculum, we celebrate our Catholic faith as a school, and we also explore other faiths including Hinduism, Judaism, Sikhism, and Islam. We have lots of opportunities for pupils to voice their opinions about school life and to vote for their preferences.