Our Governors

Governing Body

The Governors of Our Lady of Good Counsel aim to ensure the children of Our Lady’s enjoy a happy and stable school life, with every opportunity to be the best they can be.

Governors are at the heart of how the school operates, forming part of the leadership structure of the school. Their work effects the interests of pupils, staff and the reputation of the school in the community. The Governors support and challenge the head teacher by gathering views, asking questions and discussing what’s best for the school and they play an active role in developing the school’s improvement plans.

Governors work as a team. They are responsible for making sure the school provides a good quality education for all pupils. Raising educational standards in school is a key priority. They are not responsible for the day-to-day running of the school; in case of query or complaint these should be directed to school staff, in the first instance, to ensure that the formal steps in the school’s Complaints Procedure are enacted and all matters are dealt with fairly and equally.

The Governing body is accountable to parents, the local community, the MAT Trustees and the Diocese. Governor appointments are for three or usually for four year terms. The governing board’s main role is to help raise pupils’ standards of achievement.

The Governing Board:

  • is accountable for the performance of the school to parents and the wider community
  • plans the school’s future direction
  • works with the MAT to select the head teacher
  • makes sure the agreed Curriculum is well taught
  • ensure the Catholicity of the school in maintained and meets with diocese instruction
  • makes sure the school provides for all pupils including those with special needs.

Information regarding governance including:

  • Articles of Association
  • Scheme of Delegation
  • Funding Agreement
  • Annual Accounts

can be found on the Our Lady of Lourdes CMAT Website.

Governor information – Attendance to Meetings and Declarations of Business Interests

Meet the Governing Body

The school governors are listed below. If you would like to contact the governors, please contact the school on 01529304373 or office.admin@our-lady.lincs.sch.uk.

Chair of Governors

Nick Spolton
Foundation Governor
01/09/2017 – 31/08/2025


Samuel Freeman
Parent Governor
20/02/2024 – 19/02/2028


Lenny Tyler
Parent Governor
8/05/2024 – 7/05/2028

Vice Chair of Governors

Sofia Allen
Foundation Governor
19/03/2019 – 18/03/2026


Jo Balchin


Trust Director

Linda Heaver
Foundation Director
01/09/2018 – 31/05/2026