School Events
Throughout the year, the children take part in a range of events and wish to share them with you!
Scholastic Travelling Book Fair
The children were very excited to welcome the Travelling Book Fair into school! After lots of browsing, many of the children were able to purchase a book, or, in some cases, a number of books!
It’s Harvest Time!
As a celebration of the harvest and food grown on the land, the children performed their Harvest Festival Celebration for the parents. After welcoming the parents into the school, after such a long absence, the children sang songs and hymns to give thanks for the harvest. Year Reception performed a fantastic rendition of the ‘Dingle Dangle Scarecrow’, all dressed as scarecrows! Year 1 gave thanks to God for all of the different fruits and vegetables. Having practised their harvest poem, Year 2 gave the performance of their lives! A huge well done to all of the children in EYFS and KS1 for their performances – to face such a huge crowd for the very first time and with such professionalism – it was a joy to witness!
Following the celebration, parents were invited to stay for refreshments and cakes, baked by Year 3 and Year 4. The cakes tasted amazing – so much so that the parents asked for the recipes! Year 5 showed off their very best singing voices – something they had been waiting to do for such a long time! Finally, our Head Boy and Head Girl in Year 6 led the thanksgiving prayers and parents commented how well the children read.
A huge thank you to all of our families who donated food throughout September to support the local food bank – New Life Community Larder. Your genorosity has meant that our ‘neighbours in need’ have been able to source a 3-day supply of food and other items when finding themselves in a genuine emergency of temporary hardship, with no other source of money or support – the true spirit of ‘missionary discipleship’.