
Welcome to Reception

Our newest recruits in Reception class enjoy a fabulous welcome from their teachers Miss. Holland and Miss Osborne. With an exciting, play-based approach to learning, they are fully supported to progress through the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum successfully. They are offered a broad and balanced education that aims to meet and challenge every child’s learning needs through exciting and challenging learning opportunities, inside the classroom and out. 

As part of our Catholic ethos, the children live, love and learn in the Light of Christ by following the Christian values. This creates a nurturing school environment where children can thrive in their learning.

At Our Lady we recognise that reading is a key skill for life. In order to support our early readers, the school uses the Read Write Inc synthetic phonics reading scheme. We also use ‘Talk for Writing’, which develops the children’s oracy skills, encouraging them to use storytelling voices, actions and performative body language to tell stories which are well-known to them.

We acknowledge that parents are their children’s primary educators. In order that we can best support parents in this role, we develop strong partnerships with our families using the  ‘Tapestry’ online learning journal to share your child’s achievements in school. Parents are encouraged to regularly review Tapestry and upload and share home learning and achievements too.