Special Educational Needs

Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Philosophy

At Our Lady of Good Counsel (OLGC) RC Primary School we treat every child as if they are our own and as such we will support every individual to reach their full potential. We recognise that every child takes their own learning journey through life and as such not all children learn at the same rates.  With this in mind, there may be occasions where children need some additional support in order assist them on their journey.

We offer a graduated approach in supporting children with SEND. It is important that we practise a holistic approach towards all our children and our Catholic foundations support this care and compassion for every individual so that they can be the very best that they can be. We believe that all children regardless of having a SEN or a disability can achieve wondrous things and become life-long learners for life.  The SENDCO is Miss S Osborn and Mrs S Robson is our SENDCO assistant. The SEND link governor is Mr N Spolton.

The following documents give you a comprehensive guide to what we offer as a school.

Inclusion Policy

SEND Policy

Parent/Carer SEND Support

Send Information Report 2023 24

Lincolnshire Local Offer

Below is the link for the Local Authority’s Local Offer. Here you will find a whole host of information about what Lincolnshire can offer in terms of its Special Educational Needs and Disability provision.

Lincolnshire Local offer for SEN and Disability

The Lincolnshire Parent Carer Forum

Lincolnshire Parent Carer Forum provide an experienced, supportive ear for parents, to promote their skills, knowledge, and resilience.

Membership is free and they offer signposting for parents of children with SEND to services and professionals. Including:

        • The week of SEND,
        • Workshops on specific issues,
        • Wellbeing support and Resilience building.

Follow the link below to sign up and see what’s on available.

Website Link: Lincolnshire Parent Carer Forum

Upcoming LPCF Workshops