School Day

The school gates are open from 8.30am and close at 8:45 am.  Children go straight to their classes and complete morning activities related to their learning. If children arrive later than 8:45 am they must enter through the main office.

Registration is between 8:45am and 8:55am and the first lesson starts at 8:55am. We end the school day on a Monday with Collective Worship based around the Sunday Gospel reading. You are most welcome to come along to this at 3pm. Tuesday will be the Value of the week assembly. Wednesday will be Hymn practice and Thursday takes the form of Class led liturgy.

Break is at 10:30am – 10:45am

Lunch is 11.45am – 1:00pm for EYFS.

Lunch for KS1 and KS2 is 12.00pm- 1:00pm.

School finishes at 3.15pm and children will be collected from class via the fire doors

Members of the Senior Leadership Team will be on the playground at the start of each day.  Please feel free to come and talk to us.