Religious Education
Here you will find special dates within the church’s year and which topics are covered in R.E. for each year group, during each term.
Please take time to look at what the children will be learning about over the term, following the comeandsee R.E. scheme.
Come See At Home Lent Term 2021
Come See At Home Pentecost Term 2021
Special times in Church year
During October, we focus on praying the rosary. When using rosary beads, we think about the different mysteries of Mary’s life. We follof her journey from even before Jesus’s birth to the sorrowful mystery of her watching her son Jesus die on the cross. Mary is always an important focus in our school as our patron saint but at this time, we particularly think of her commitment and faith and pray with her. Here are some of the beautiful displays created by Y2 and Y4 to celebrate Mary our mother.
Each class also received a special set of rosary beads from Missio for them to pray with as pupils took part in the rosary challenge set by Mark 10 Mission. You can follow the link here
Advent is an important time in the Church’s year, it is a time to wait and get ready for Jesus’ coming at Christmas. Catholics believe this is an important time to prepare our hearts and minds through prayer and good acts. Think about what you can do over Advent to prepare yourself. Here are some ideas to help you;
. donate some old clothes to a clothes bank
. collect food for a food box to donate to New life centre
. say a prayer at bedtime
. help someone to wash up
. tidy your room
. send a card to a loved one
Fortunately, Mrs Brocklebank (one of our lovely parishioners) was able to come in this year once again to make our Advent wreath. This year, she worked with the Shining Stars Liturgical Team to make this beautiful creation.
Every class has kindly been given a beautiful Advent wreath from one of our parishioners, Mrs Brocklebank. Usually, we would be lucky enough to have Mrs Brocklebank come into school and make our Advent wreath in school with the children, (she has become part of our Christmas tradition) but sadly with COVID restrictions we have been unable to invite her in. It has been lovely to receive these gifts from her instead, which will become a key focus in every classroom over the Advent period.

As part of our Advent preparations, every child has been sent a travelling crib to take home. Hopefully the children will have a chance to “encounter” Jesus in their homes, through using this special resource. The letter and leaflets explaining it further are attached and we would love to have some reflections back to let us know your thoughts.
During the month of May, we think about Mary. Mary was the mother of Jesus and she is especially important to us as she is also the patron saint of our school where w know her as “Our Lady of Good Counsel.” During this month, we focus our thoughts and prayers on Mary and think about what a special person she was.
In school, we will be putting Mary at the forefront of our hearts and minds and will begin with Deacon Tony coming into school next week to crown our statue of Mary with the classes watching virtually. Every day we will pray with Mary as we say her prayer “Hail Mary” and KS2 will lead us each week in a special liturgy, celebrating the mysteries of faith. We also have a fun colouring competition coming home for the May bank holiday to colour Mary and the flowers which remind us of the crowning of Mary.
Keep an eye out on here to see some of the lovely Mary artwork the children create!

Let’s celebrate! Enjoy your chocolate easter eggs and have a lovely day. Remember today is a celebration that Jesus rose again, 3 days after he died on the cross.
Here is the psalm from Easter Sunday-look how joyful it is!
R. (24) This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad.
R. Alleluia.
1 Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good,
for his mercy endures forever.
2 Let the house of Israel say,
“His mercy endures forever.”
R. This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad.
R. Alleluia.
16 “The right hand of the LORD has struck with power;
the right hand of the LORD is exalted.
17 I shall not die, but live,
and declare the works of the LORD.”
R. This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad.
R. Alleluia.
22 The stone which the builders rejected
has become the cornerstone.
23 By the LORD has this been done;
it is wonderful in our eyes.
R. This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad.
R. Alleluia.

We reach Easter week and begin a time of reflecting on Jesus’s final journey. Whilst we all be off for Easter, enjoying our half term break- please take time to think about why Easter is celebrated, as we remember Jesus’s ultimate sacrifice for us.

Please read our Lenten letter which explains the period of Lent and how in school we will be trying to fast, pray and give.
Bishop Patrick’s Lenten Talks – You are invited to join Bishop Patrick and people from across the diocese this Lent in reflecting on our relationship with God. To be a disciple of Jesus means to know and love him, but to also know we are known and loved by him too. Bishop Patrick will give two talks on Zoom exploring God’s Love for us and how we can respond to it.
1. Knowing the Heart of God (clearing false images of God that we may carry around with us) – Thursday 11th March, at 7pm
2) Knowing the Love of God (understanding our identity as God’s sons and daughters) – Thursday 25th March, at 7pm.
Each talk will include input from Bishop Patrick, a time for questions and answers, and small group discussion. You can register for one or both talks on the diocesan website:

Here are some super ideas for the children to do during Lent. It provides some simple, fun activities they can take part in, that will make a big difference to others.
If you would like to learn more about the rosary and how to use rosary beads to help pray, please take a look at some of the following resources which will help explain this.
cfe2 Re 112 How To Pray The Rosary A4 Display Poster English Ver 2
us Ce 22 The Holy Rosary Powerpoint Ver 4
roi T Re 210 NEW Month Of The Holy Rosary Prayer PowerPoint Ver 1
Last month, Pope Francis launched a Synod of the whole Church in which he asks that everyone in the Church listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit, dreaming and thinking of the type of Church we wish to be a part of. Along with all the bishops in the world, Bishop Patrick has asked each part of the diocese (parishes, chaplaincies, communities and schools) to be very involved in this listening and journeying process so that as many voices as possible can be heard. To mark the beginning of this important process, Bishop Patrick has written a Pastoral Letter to our children, which has been shared with them in school.
Please find below information about the Synod and a copy of the letter and prayer, which will be prayed in school.